When creating a new project, there must be defined Project Architecture. Rather than creating the file manually, this can be done through the Project Architecture Dialog which can be accessed by Create New Project options (Create a New Project from landing page, and File → New Project…)
Before adding you custom software components, make sure you pick the right Architecture scheme which describes the layering structure of the project. Click on Architecture scheme field:
to expand the list of available Architecture schemes, defined by the standards:
When you choose the appropriate Architecture layering scheme, it will be shown in a table below:
If layer has other layers or components, it will have the option to expand:
At this point, you can start defining and adding you custom software components in the Project Architecture, by filling the necessary information in Add component section:
The mandatory component properties are:
- Name – defines a component’s name; must be described as one word, using letters, numbers and underscore (reserved words are “HW”, “SW”, “N_SWC”, “N_RAM” and “N_ROM”)
- API Prefixes – collection of API prefixes used for matching source files to components; every api prefix rule must be ended with “;” char, and must have at least 3 characters
- Layer – component’s parent layer; determined by selecting one of the layers defined in Architecture standard
The optional component properties are:
- ROM Budget – rom budget of a component in bytes; only numbers allowed
- RAM Budget – ram budget of a component in bytes; only numbers allowed
- ASIL level – Safety Asil level of a component; determined by selecting one of the Asil levels defined in Architecture standard
After filling the information, to add the component, click on Insert button to the right:
After which will your component be added to the layering structure below
At any point of time, you can save your file by clicking the Save button
to open File Explorer and save your file. After saving the file, its path will be shown in File location field:
There is also available editing of some fields in table, so in case you made a mistake, you can just edit and fix it:
After finishing, go to Close button, to proceed with creating a new project:
There is also an option for editing of the Project Architecture file. To access this, go to File → Edit Project Architecture…
to access the Project Architecture Dialog and apply the changes
Make sure you Save your changes. If you forget to save anyway, an info dialog will pop up, in order to double check if you are closing the window without saving the changes
If you choose Save the process is the same – File Explorer will open, and you can finish saving. Or if you simply want to close the window without saving anything, just choose Cancel button.