Standard Reports are available for any generated Snapshot. Reports are based on a current state of a software, represented by Snapshot. This means that Snapshot must be loaded before Reports become available in Analyze Menu.
Each report can be generated in txt or csv format. For example, Hardware Memory button will generate txt report, while Hardware Memory CSV will generate csv report.
After click on some of the options for reports, notification will be logged in Output
Hardware Memory Report
Hardware Memory Report contains the list of memory segments (as described in Project Hardware Resources File) with the information of usage and availability in bytes, as well as values in total. Precisely, each memory segment (represented by address range and name) has following information:
- Core
- Memory Kind
- Used [bytes]
- Available [bytes]
- Free [bytes]
- Used [%]
Report is divided in two parts – one for ROM kind, and the other one for RAM kind. And there is a Summary on top of both parts with the same information, but summarized in total. The Summary actually represents the memory usage and availability of the whole cpu.
Components Memory Budgets Report
Components Memory Budgets Report contains the list of software components with the information of memory usage based on memory budget predefined for each component in Project Architecture File. Each component has following information:
- RAM/ROM Budget [bytes]
- Used [bytes]
- Used [%]
- Layer
Report is divided in two parts – one for RAM overview and the other one for ROM overview. Components are grouped by the layers to which they belong and listed in alphabetical order. Used value defines how much memory is used by the component, and how much percentage is it compared to predefined budget.
Components Over Budget Report
Components Memory Over Budget Report contains the list of software components that exceeds memory usage over memory budget predefined in Project Architecture File. If memory budget is not defined (has default value 0) then that component will also be listed in this report. Each component has following information:
- RAM/ROM Budget [bytes]
- Used [bytes]
- Used [%]
- Layer
Report is divided in two parts – one for RAM overview and the other one for ROM overview. Components are grouped by the layers to which they belong and listed in alphabetical order. Used value defines how much memory is used by the component, and how much percentage is it compared to predefined budget. Since these are the components that goes over budget, percentage of usage will be over 100% or N/A if budget is not defined.
Components Overview Report
Components Overview Report contains the list of all software components and represents the general overview of components information listed in a table. Each component has following information:
- Functions
- Variables
- ROM usage [bytes]
- ROM usage [%]
- ROM usage [cores]
- RAM usage [bytes]
- RAM usage [%]
- RAM usage [cores]
- report link
The first two columns define number of functions and variables in component. Usage columns are represented by bytes, percentage and cores separated by the type of memory – ROM and RAM. The last column contains the link to more detailed report for each component. It has the list of all objects in component, with the following information:
- Scope (local or global)
- Type (function or variable)
- Core (represented by number)
- Address (memory address)
- ROM (ROM usage in bytes)
- RAM (RAM usage in bytes)
- Section (Section name)
- Size Complexity (predefined size complexity)
- File (source file)
There are also overview which Sections and Memory Sections are used by software component.
Every report has Summary on top, with the same information, but summarized in total.
Components Overview Report has the access to Hardware Memory Report by the link in Summary area, but in order to have it, you first must generate Hardware Memory Report.
Components Sections Report
Components Sections Report contains the list of all sections with the information about which software components belongs to each of them. Every section has following information:
- Section (section name)
- Components (list of components)
- Resource (memory segment)
- Section address (start memory address)
- Section size (section size in bytes)
Resource column represent the name of the memory segment as described in Project Hardware Resources File.
Interfaces Report
Interfaces Report contains the list of all interfaces described in Project Hardware Resources File. Each interface has the following information:
- Status
- Component
Status can be connected, not connected or not referenced and Component represents the parent layer of interface. For example, if interface’s Status is not referenced, then Component column will have value N/A.
Components Groups Overview Report
Component Groups Overview Report has the same template as Components Overview Report like described above, with the difference of grouping components and calculating summary for each group of components. To generate this kind of report, Groups File must be provided. What is and how looks this file, check in Groups Specification guide.
CI Usage
Each of the reports described above can be generated through CI. Check Reports section in How to use Command Line Interface (CLI) guide to see how to define generating specific reports in CI configuration file.